Incidents of hate, bullying and other forms of harassment have proliferated on college campuses in recent years. Where once colleges and universities were an enclave of safety and learning, some institutions have become the focal point of uncivil behavior based on race, ethnicity, gender, immigration status, religion, disability and/or sexual orientation.
In coordination with the Stop Hate Project of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the Fund for Leadership, Equity, Access and Diversity (the LEAD Fund) received a grant to conduct three activities to identify challenges to resolving issues of intolerance, bias and uncivil behavior on campus, as well as best practices to effectively address these concerns.
The Fund:
Conducted Listening Sessions on campuses in the Midwest to learn more about how Equal Opportunity and Diversity Professionals (EOPs) and other campus personnel experience barriers that reduce their effectiveness, and identify best practices to effectively address discrimination, racism and bias on campus;
Developed a Toolkit and Accompanying Report, which were informed by in-person and online Listening Sessions, of tips and resources for EOPs and other college and university officials to help improve the college climate; and
Conducted a national Survey to better document the experiences of EOPs and other university officials and to gauge the mood of campuses that are addressing these contentious issues.
We hope that the collegiate community will learn some useful tips as it confronts the challenges posed by the growing phenomenon of incivility, hate and bias on campus
Purchase the three LEAD Fund Reports on Campus Hate and Bias: Lead Fund Toolkit, 66-page Accompanying Report and Survey on Uncivil Hate and Bias Incidents on Campus (UHBIOC) for one price and gain great insights on addressing issues of civility on your campus.
Hard Copies of the Campus Civility Bundle: $399.00
Digital Copies of the Campus Civility Bundle: $249.00
Toolkit Only: Hard Copy: $179; Digital Copy: $95.00.
Mail a check to:
LEAD Fund Campus Civility Project
1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006
Email: info@leadfund.org
Tel: 240.349.9855
In the memo line add: "Campus Civility Bundle" or "Toolkit"
The price includes shipping and handling.
Note that the LEAD Fund is working on an update of these materials.